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2019-07-14 Flyer Gurupurnima Retreat.jpg

Gurupurnima Retreat Khajuraho

15, 16, 17 July in Khajuraho

"A disciple is only the past; the master is only the future.
The disciple is all that he knows, and a master is all that cannot be known.
When the bridge happens between a master and a disciple, to bridge the known with the unknown, and time with eternity it is a miracle." 



Only limited seats - Registrations closing soon! Book now!

Investment Rs. 6000/  4star & 5star hotel accommodation and food

Rs. 3500/ normal hotel, food, Retreat

Rs. 1000/ only retreat (no food, no hotel)



Mon 15.7.19

15.30 Invocation celebration

18.40 Osho White Robe evening Meditation with live music & discourse

20.30 Dinner

22.00 Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Meditation techniques


Tue 16.7.19

03.30 Silent sitting

04.45 Chakra Sounds Meditation

06.00  Shiv Shakti Tantra Yoga

08.00 Breakfast

10.00 Meditation in awakened Tantra temples ( guided tour ) 

13.30 Lunch

Rest & Relax

18.40 Grand Gurupurnima Celebration with live music & OSHO discourse, 

          grand dinner

          112 Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Meditation techniques

          Dance Celebration



Wed 17.7.19

03.30 Silent sitting

04.45 Chakra Breathing Meditation

06.00  Shiv Shakti Tantra Yoga

08.00 Breakfast





Fill in the form and pay the fees. You will receive a confirmation e-mail within short time.


Complete your payment:

                        Paytm                                                                   E-banking


Account nr.: 27451570000827

IFSC: HDFC0002745



Adress: Pramod Tripathi

1759 South Civil Line

482001 Jabalpur

Have a blissful registration! Bless you all!





Meditation Retreat India, Osho Meditation retreat, Tantra Retreat Summer 2022, Meditation Retreat July 2022, Meditation Retreat 29.7.-7.8.2022 Retreat with Mantra and Meditation, Retreat with Live music, retreat with mantra and Tantra, Meditation Yoga Retreat, Meditation center in India, Osho Meditation center India, International Meditation center India, Spiritual retreat India





OSHO's DREAM Meditation center in Meiringen, Switzerland

 //NEW// OSHO HOME Meditation center in Bhedaghat Jabalpur, India

+41 76 405 85 08 | +41 78 920 32 12

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